With a Master of Fine Arts degree and thirty years experience working with clay, Allen Littlefield has certainly hit his stride. His surreal wall pieces, featuring faces, numbers and tiles, are instantly recognizable. Allen hand builds each piece individually out of white stoneware clay. The work is then bisque-fired in an electric kiln. The final step in firing involves an ancient technique called pitfiring. This dramatic process is done outdoors with lots of fire and smoke.
Littlefield likes his works to be viewed as “future artifacts”, objects that foreshadow what may be found in museums 3,000 years from now. The sculpture and fragments might reveal some of our alleged martyrs and saints or ritual and sacred objects.
He shares his life and his art with Paradise City exhibitor Patricia Littlefield. Their mutual support and occasional collaborations give extra meaning and depth to both of their oeuvres.
“Many Choices”, hand built ceramics, bisque fired and pit fired. Attached to wood blocks and canvas board. 18″ x 24″ x 3.5″.
2-D Mixed Media; New Paltz, NY 12561