Oil Painting
24″ x 30″, $1300

Oil Painting
24″ x 30″, $1300

Oil Painting
40″ x 30″, $1700

Gregory S. Rogers
Greg’s Abstract Co.
1231 Adams St, Suite 204
Dorchester, MA 02124
617 698-5670
email: gregsrogers@verizon.net
Gregory Rogers came to the fine arts quite by chance initially, but remained because art fulfilled a deep and personal aesthetic need. Being born with Amelia (absence of an arm on the left side), and Phocomelia (absence of most of an arm on the right side), Gregory Rogers uses his feet to accomplish most fine motor skill tasks including his painting.
Accepted into the 2D Fine Arts major at Massachusetts College of Art and Design in the fall of 1996, Greg studied under Professor Kofi Kayiga and received his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Painting in 2000. Greg has moved from traditional still life in oils to abstract expressionism as a more profound method of expressing the deeper understandings that life in the arts has brought him. Gregs work includes oil painting using traditional methods of working that also involve mixed media on paper, as well as pen and ink on paper.
Rogers says about his work: “Painting allows me new ways to express the layers of feelings that come with trying to live life in a meaningful way despite my severe physical constraints. Through my changing perceptions and times of reflections, I’ve developed a deeper understanding of the relationship between society and myself. During times of reflection, creation and creativity are their most open to symbols and change, in relation to the symbols themselves and to who people are as developing souls. My colors are a reflection of the temporality of my mind and its connection to the purity of symbolic composition.”
Paradise City Marlborough, March, 2025 Booth: 308
Paradise City Northampton, May, 2025
Paradise City Northampton, October, 2024 Booth: 927
• Wholesale Orders Accepted
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• Rush Delivery Possible
• Studio Open to Public during Dorchester Open Studios in October