Mark Eliot Schwabe Jewelry

Mark Eliot Schwabe is a jeweler, but not in the ordinary sense of the word. True, his fabrications are meant to be worn, and certainly fulfill the personal adornment requisites of a classic brooch. But what makes his work really stand out? Each piece is a meticulously crafted miniature sculpture offering playful riffs out of the SteamPunk playbook! They combine fine art principles with his affinity for machines, moving parts and SteamPunk imagery. To this rich mix he brings his lifelong interest in all things mechanical, from airplanes and cars to spacecraft, both real and imaginary.
“Gear Drive Rocket Ship”: a brooch contstructed from 33 separate pieces of metal: pewter, brass, bronze and nickle silver. A wearable sculpture, it contains two moving parts and can be worn or displayed on the wall; 3.25″ x 1.5″ as brooch; 8.5″ x 6.5″ in its frame
S Burlington, VT 05403