Page 6 - Paradise City Guide Fall 2017
P. 6

Special Feature

                                      Life of the Party!

                                   …the art of celebration

                                    There’s nothing like a celebratory occasion – a wedding,
                                    a holiday, New Year’s Eve, Mardi Gras, a birthday, an
                                     anniversary, a graduation, even a festive gathering of old
                                     friends – to raise the spirits, inspire us to lift champagne
                                      glasses high and break out in song and dance. There is a
                                      rich and nuanced art to celebrating. Some celebrations
                                       are carefully planned and choreographed. Just
                                       picture a wedding or a coronation with costumes
                                        and flowers and pageantry. The glassware sparkles,
                                        the music is sublime. Or a festive family gathering
                                         where embroidered linens, artful serving pieces and
                                         blown glass goblets turn an ordinary dinner into an
                                          occasion to  remember.  It  doesn’t  take a  hole-in-
                                           one for comrades to gather and hoist a few pints
                                           after doing battle on the links.

                                                         "THE MORE YOU

                                                   CELEBRATE YOUR LIFE,

                                                       THE MORE THERE IS

                                                  IN LIFE TO CELEBRATE."

                                                               –Oprah Winfrey

                                                                                                        R. Jason Howard,
                                                                                                        Tying the Knot,
                                                                                                        wedding goblets

                                                                                                     Nnamdi Okonkwo,
                                                                                                     Jubilation, bronze

                          Jane Herzenberg,
                          Cocktail Party Tunic

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